Outdoor Experiences & Sightseeings

Whatever season you choose, the cozy atmosphere of Kongsfjord Holiday Home will welcome you!

If you visit us during summer/autumn, nature offers pleasant temperatures, the midnight sun, the dazzling colors of sea and sky, flowers, berries, mushrooms and the possibility for a wide range of activities. From may to october you can do hiking to explore the surroundings,  birdwatching, fishing, cycling  and experience the midnight sun (15th of May/late July)

If you visit us during winter and spring you will find a special atmosphere,  it’s the best period to enjoy the silence, admire the northern lights and  the snow-covered landscape. From November to April you can do snowshoeing (snowshoes at your free disposal), ice fishing and experience the polar night (December/January), relax, read, write

Bird watching

The region of Finnmark – with its location at high latitude and towards the Arctic – is a well-known destination for birders from all over the world.
Geographical position, vast areas of untouched nature and the larder of the Barents Sea result in a rich birdlife,  giving birdwatchers plenty of opportunities to observe rare species.

Also the coast and the surroundings of Berlevåg and Kongsfjord can offer exciting experiences to the birders in many periods of the year: wintering arctic seabirds, migratory birds on the move from/to far habitats like Spitzbergen or Siberia, shorebirds breeding on the reefs, seabirds breeding along the shore or in the bird-reserve of Heløya, Kongsøya and Skarvholmen, near Kongsfjord


The Kongsfjord area offers a lot of sites for fishing both in rivers and lakes, in a wonderful landscape. The most common species you can get are trout and arctic char.

If are not resident in Norway, you need a dispensation I can provide you to get fishing licence to fish on fresh waters between 15th of march and 15th of june

The fishing licence is valid for fishing all species of inland fish, with the exception of anadromous fish (salmon, sea trout and sea char). In watercourse with anadromous fish, the provisions stipulated for anadromous species also apply to inland fish. Information on fishing regulations and purchase of fishing permit.


Veines Peninsula

Veines peninsula is only 1 Km from Kongsfjord Holiday Home, you can reach it by car and by walk. Veines is a perfect location for watching northern lights and stars due to the absence of disturbing artificial light.

Once arrived in the parking place,  you will find an easy hiking terrain and a magnificent view from the heights towards the fjords and the island bird colonies of Heløya, Kongsøya and Skarvholmen.

Berlevåg-German tank Kongsfjord

You will also discover the Ruins of a German WWII coastal fortress at the top of the peninsula and some other remnants of II World War, as underground tunnels and an old tank.

Walking distance from the parking to the fortress: ca. 1,5 Km
Season: all the year

Shelter on the Veines peninsula

A recent photo hide in a spectacular landscape to the delight of all who want to enjoy a wonderful view over the open sea without being exposed to the elements

© Tormod Amundsen / Biotope / VisitNorway

Walking distance from the parking: ca 1 km
Season: all the year


The small harbour of Kongsfjord is situated at the fjord with the same name, which is an exciting diving location with several ship-wrecks in the proximity.

In the nearby sound of Straumsneset a strong tidal current occurs. Behind the sound lays the shallow bay of Straumen with its small islands, where several kinds of seals can be seen throughout the year.

Interesting coastal hike to the nature conservation area Straumsneset, approx. 4 km from the main road RV 890. By car to the starting point:  1 Km from the house
Walking distance from the main road RV890 4 Km
Season: summer / autumn

On the way to Berlevåg

Kongsfjord belongs to the municipality of Berlevåg, a small town of 900 inhabitants at 35 Km from Kongsfjord, where you will find some grocery stores and shops. The route from Kongsfjord to Berlevåg is something amazing, between the mountains and the Barents sea.

Ishavsveien is the road along the Arctic Sea

Between Kongsfjord and Berlevåg the main road RV 890 follows the storm-beaten coast of the Arctic Sea, through amazing and wild fjord scenaries of eroded landscape and folded layers of sandstone and shale.


Beautiful coastal landscape situated approx. 13 km from Berlevåg at the main road RV 890. The bay of Sandfjorden is dominated in the north-west by a steep mountain ridge with fans of rubble of eroded rock. However, it is the impressive sandy beach and the sand-dunes  that have given the name to the bay. Sandfjorden is a nature protection area where motorised traffic and camping are prohibited.

Kjølnes Lighthouse

Mainland lighthouse standing like a landmark on a beautiful peninsula overlooking the Arctic Ocean. Location: 6 km from Berlevåg, and easily accessible from the main road RV 890.

Once in Berlevåg…

Berlevåg Museum

The Berlevåg Harbour Museum was officially opened in June 1988 and has exhibitions in three buildings. The purpose of the museum is to give information about the history of this area, the coast culture, with main focus on shipping, fishing and the construction of the Berlevåg harbour. The museum is open every day in the summer, on weekdays the rest of the year.


Daniela  Salathe designs and creates glass products inspired by the colour and the forms of nature in Finnmark. All the products, modern functional objects and nice decorative articles of high artistic quality, are visible in the workshop and available for sales in the shop in the same house, Villa Borealis.

Press here for booking a room in Kongsfjord